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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:04 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:57 pm
Posts: 23
Some one in another thread suggested I post more pictures of the guitar I'm making. I thought that was a good idea, maybe I could get some pointers a long the way too.

A little back story, I barely play guitar, but for some reason I've always wanted to make one (Which is even more odd because I have no woodworking experience either). So I got the Stew-Mac dreadnought kit and spent a small fortune in tools :) But I'm having a blast doing it, and I'll probably build another after this one.

Anyway, I'll probably just keep posting pictures here as I continue. And if you have any pointers on the parts coming up. I'd love to hear it!

Gluing the sides to the neck and bottom block

Looking at it now, I probably should have put the C-brace on it right away on it right away.

Putting the kerfing on.

I messed up here, the kerfing is supposed to only be 1/32 over the edge, and I put it on higher. Probably 1/64. It took forever to sand it back down to the sides.

The hardest part so far was the rosette. Not sure what the deal was, but I think the space for it that was carved into the sound board was too narrow. I felt like I was going to break something as I was forcing them in.

Brace outlines.

I'm a little further than this now. I have the bridge plate in now.

This weekend I am going to be putting the sound board onto the sides.

I'll keep updating this thread with new picks...Even if no one is interested :D

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:53 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:27 pm
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Looks great. Hope you're having a ton of FUN!

Takes me back to the days when all my clamps were new.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:20 pm 
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You are off to a good start. For reference, I use probably twice as many clothespins when clamping kerfed linings. You might want to do a search for "gobar." It's a very useful method that can be utilized for a variety of clamping needs.

Keep having fun!

George :-)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:13 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:31 pm
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People here are interested in your build but IMO the majority don't check in on the "kit" section.

If you get into a snag, post on the main section. I doubt anyone will be offended because you're working from a kit.

Kevin Looker

I'm not a luthier.
I'm just a guy who builds guitars in his basement.
It's better than playing golf.

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